News list for " leaks"

Analyst: Trump's "leaked" executive order on his first day in office has no shadow of tariffs

On January 20th, analysts at financial website Forexlive said that at this stage, any move to impose tariffs quickly will be seen by the market as a negative factor for the risk. Previously, multiple media reported that Trump will soon issue executive orders on immigration, energy and government recruitment policies. But in the reports about these leaks, there is no mention of tariffs. Based on the information currently available, it may be reasonable to conclude that "tariffs (related policies)...

2025-01-19 22:42:17
Morning News List of important developments overnight on December 6

21:00-7:00 Keywords: FTT, Tether, WikiLeaks The crypto market experienced significant fluctuations around 6:30 this morning. FTT broke through $4 in a short time, with a 24-hour increase of over 40%. 3. The probability of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates by 25 basis points in December is 70.1%; 4. Tether minted 1 billion USDT on the Ethereum network; 5. In the past 1 hour, the whole network exploded more than 459 million US dollars, and the main explosion was multiple orders; 6. OpenAI...

2024-12-05 23:29:36
WikiLeaks will mint Afghan war logs on the Bitcoin blockchain through the Ordinals protocol

WikiLeaks founder Assange's Project Spartacus project will mint 76,911 Afghan war log files on the Bitcoin blockchain through the Ordinals protocol. The minting process will span multiple blocks, with the aim of not raising money for Assange, but to permanently record his story in Bitcoin history. Assange and his family and friends have struggled to keep the Afghan war logs accessible since 2010, when he posted them to WikiLeaks. The documents document classified content from U.S. military opera...

2024-12-05 15:26:21
Binance denies 12.80 million user data breach rumors

Recently, someone on the dark web forum claimed to have leaked the personal data of Binance 12.80 million users, including sensitive information such as name, email, phone number, birthday and address. However, Binance said the news was misinformation. The poster, named "FireBear", said the data was leaked in August and tried to sell some or all of the information. A Binance spokesperson confirmed to Decrypt that the security team has investigated the matter and determined that no data breach oc...

2024-09-24 21:56:06
A US judge has sentenced WikiLeaks founder Assange to prison

According to BNO News, a US judge has sentenced WikiLeaks founder Assange to prison, ending a years-long legal battle.

2024-06-26 02:03:50
WikiLeaks founder Assange pleads guilty to violating the Espionage Act or is sentenced to 62 months in prison

On June 25th, local time on June 24th, the Department of Justice said in a letter to a federal judge that "WikiLeaks" founder Julian Assange has pleaded guilty to violating the Espionage Act and is expected to appear in a US court in the Northern Mariana Islands in the next few days. It is reported that the plea agreement will be finalized on the 26th local time. As part of the plea agreement, Department of Justice prosecutors recommended that Assange be sentenced to 62 months in prison.

2024-06-25 00:03:42
WikiLeaks founder Assange has left the UK and will eventually return to Australia

WikiLeaks said on social media that on the morning of June 24 local time, WikiLeaks founder Assange left Belmarsh prison in London, England, where he spent 1,901 days. He was released on bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted Airport in the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and left the UK. Earlier media reports said Assange had agreed to plead guilty in exchange for being spared jail time in the United States. He is expected to return to Australia after pleading guilty,...

2024-06-25 00:28:26

7x24 Newsflash

22:04 2025-03-17
DeepMind CEO:未来5-10年将出现能够在任何任务上匹敌人类的AI
21:55 2025-03-17
21:54 2025-03-17
冲突情况:1. 乌克兰基辅市长表示,俄罗斯对基辅发起空袭。2. 俄称乌军对阿斯特拉罕州发动大规模无人机袭击。3. 乌克兰武装部队总参谋部:过去一天俄军损失了约1210名士兵,以及19辆坦克、11辆装甲运兵车和37套火炮系统等装备。4. 俄罗斯国防部:俄罗斯在夜间摧毁72架乌克兰无人机,其中36架在库尔斯克地区摧毁。5. 乌克兰军方:夜间击落了174架俄罗斯发射的无人机中的90架。6. 乌空军说,俄军向乌境内发射了174架攻击型无人机和“诱饵”无人机,敖德萨、波尔塔瓦、哈尔科夫等7个州遭到袭击。和谈情况:1. 俄罗斯外交部副部长格鲁什科:俄罗斯将在任何与乌克兰有关的和平协议中寻求“铁定的”保证。2. 特朗普:将于周二与普京通话,"有很好的机会"结束冲突。土地和发电厂是俄乌协议谈判的重点。3. 美国国家安全顾问沃尔茨:乌克兰可能会失去领土以换取安全保证。4. 美国国务卿鲁比奥披露结束俄乌冲突的A、B计划:A计划是先让交火停止,B计划即让所有人都坐到谈判桌前。5. 克里姆林宫:俄罗斯总统普京与美国总统特朗普定于周二进行交谈。其它:1. 市场消息:欧盟理事会授权向乌克兰提供35亿欧元援助和贷款...
21:52 2025-03-17
21:46 2025-03-17
21:35 2025-03-17
全球最大白银ETF--iShares Silver Trust持仓较上日增加150.02吨,当前持仓量为13821.56吨。欢迎点击查看数据中心>>
全球最大白银ETF--iShares Silver Trust持仓较上日增加150.02吨,当前持仓量为13821.56吨。欢迎点击查看数据中心>>
21:15 2025-03-17
数据:Meme币市场大幅回调,GMCI Meme指数下跌90%
2024年主导加密市场的Meme币热潮已显著降温。根据GMCI指数图表,多个加密领域出现普遍下跌,其中Meme指数的跌幅尤为显著,从2024年12月峰值约550%的涨幅回落至3月的80%,跌幅达90%,指数中的主要成分币种,包括Shiba Inu、Dogecoin、Pepe和特朗普币等,均面临较大抛压,投机性交易者正在退出市场。 下跌趋势不仅限于Meme...
20:57 2025-03-17
20:54 2025-03-17
20:51 2025-03-17
20:18 2025-03-17
OpenAI将开始测试ChatGPT与Google Drive和Slack的连接器
据科技媒体TechCrunch:OpenAI将开始测试ChatGPT与Google Drive和Slack的连接器。
20:18 2025-03-17